I Bought a Shield for Coc How Long Before I Can Buy Again


The Shield is one of theGeneral elements of the Disharmonism of Clans game.

This shield volition forbid all attacks on your village for a limited time. If you buy more than than one shield, their durations are added upward. Attacking other players will remove your shield


Shields are a temporary period of safety fromenemy attacks. While nether the protection of the shield, other players will not exist able to assault your village. At the offset of the game, each player begins with a iii-day shield; later that shield expires boosted shields are gained in one of two ways:

Automatically afterward being the victim of a successful Raid (forty% and above or Town Hall destroyed).

Purchased with Gems.

Y'all will lose all of your shield, fifty-fifty if it's purchased with Gems, regardless of remaining fourth dimension if you lot decide to assault some other player. If you currently have a shield and effort to brainstorm a multiplayer battle via the "Find a Friction match" screen, you will get the message "Shield is active — Attacking other players will disable your shield, and other players will be able to attack you. Are you sure?" If you lot click "Okay," your shield will be removed regardless of whether you actually initiate the attack.

If you take a shield and try to use the "Revenge" feature within the battle log, you will not suspension your shield until you confirm the assault via the "Shield is active…" bulletin and actually visit the village through the clouds (i.east. if your opponent is online, has a shield of their ain or their hamlet is under set on, yous will not lose your shield).

Attacking in the Unmarried Role player Campaign or Clan Wars will non remove your shield.

Automatic Shields

Upon being successfully raided, you volition be granted a temporary shield from attacks. This is to foreclose farming and rapid loss of Trophies and/or Resources. When xl% of your village or your Town Hall is destroyed in a raid, y'all will get a 12-hour shield. When 90% or more buildings are destroyed you will become a sixteen-hour shield instead (these 2 shields cannot be stacked together).

You get a complimentary shield courtesy of Supercell, during and after a maintenance break, for a short catamenia of time.

Note that you do not necessarily accept to lose a boxing to proceeds a shield; if your opponent destroys between 40% and 49% of your hamlet without destroying your Town Hall, you will proceeds a shield every bit well as a defensive victory.

When you kickoff playing the game you lot go a free iii-mean solar day shield, which you should apply to become started.

Your 3-twenty-four hours shield is a good time to upgrade your Buildings.

Buying Shields

If you lot choose, at that place is an selection to buy shields from the store for Gems. There are 3 options to cull from:

If y'all purchase a shield while you take one (of whatsoever source) currently active, the purchased shield time is added to your current shield time.

If you purchase all three shields simultaneously, you will exist able to re-purchase a second two-day shield and two boosted one-day shields before the finish of your shielded period, as the cooldown period on the shorter shields will accept expired. This way, the maximum continuously shielded period available via purchase is 14 days ([day 1] i+2+7 + [solar day vi] 1 + [day 11] 1+two). This 14-day shielded period can be purchased every 35 days (the time it takes for the 7-24-hour interval shield cooldown to reset).

Note that if you execute this during a 16-hour shield received from a 90%+ set on or a 12-hr shield received from a xl%+ attack, you can really increase your full shielded time to a maximum of 14 days, 16 hours, or xiv days, 12 hours, respectively.

Also, if yous do this during the three-day shield you get when you lot start the game, you can accept a maximum of 17 days on your shield, which, again, can be executed xxx-five days from your purchase of the 1-week shield, or eighteen days after the cycle is complete, just information technology will only last for 14 days (and maybe an boosted 12/xvi hours).

Iftwo additional shields of any elapsing are ever added (with standard cooldown times), it volition be possible to stay shielded indefinitely.

You cannot buy 7-24-hour interval shields above 4700Trophies  (i.eastward. in Titan I and Fable League).

Shield Cooldown Time

Every purchased shield has a cooldown time. The longer the shield lasts, the longer the cooldown menstruum.

This was added to proceed people from staying shielded indefinitely by continuously buying shields.

The cooldown period is calculated past multiplying the number of shield days by 5. For example, the 1-solar day shield has a v-mean solar day cooldown, the 2-days shield has a 10-days cooldown, and the one-calendar week shield has a 35-days cooldown.

Continually ownership each shield every bit soon as its cooldown has expired will result in an average of 21 shielded days every 35-solar day menstruum (lx%), although this volition vary from period to period (22 the first, xx the 2nd, 22 the third, etc.) considering the 2-twenty-four hour period shield's cooldown will only line up with the 7-day shield's cooldown every other period.

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Source: http://clash-wiki.com/general-info/shield/

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